Here is the code
If i use "flatten" on each one of the recursive calls I get all the depth
and none of the tuples.
Here I get both
// Echo expression and return it
function echoit(x) = echo(x) x;
//echo with label
function echoit2(x,y) = echo(x,y) y;
function fixVector(vectorOfVectors) for(a = vectorOfVectors)a;
function flatten(l) = [ for (a = l) for (b = a) b ] ;
//given nested lists of arbitrary levels, make it a list of points
function makePointList(L,n=0,res=[]) =
n>=len(L) ?
: L[n]*0==[0,0] ?
makePointList(L,n+1, concat(res,[L[n]]))
: makePointList(L,n+1, makePointList(L[n],0,res));
function arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration,i,offsetx=0) =
let ( span = endAngle - startAngle, step = span/pointsPerGeneration, angle
= startAngle + (step * i) ) radius * cos(angle) + offsetx;
function arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration,i,offsety=0) =
let ( span = endAngle - startAngle, step = span/pointsPerGeneration, angle
= startAngle + (step * i) ) radius * sin(angle) + offsety;
function loopArc(radius, number, generations, quadrant,
pointsPerGeneration, angle, direction, offsetx=0, offsety=0) =
(generations > 1) ?
(direction > 0) ? let(newQuadrant = (quadrant + 1) % 4,
startAngle = angle,
newRadius = (radius/2) * sin(atan(2/(number -1))),
newx = offsetx + (newRadius * (number -1)),
newy = offsety + newRadius,
endAngle = computeAngle(number, newQuadrant))
[ for (i = [0:pointsPerGeneration])
[arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newx),
arcy(newy,radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newy),
loopArc(newRadius, number, (generations-1),newQuadrant,
: let( newQuadrant = (quadrant + 3) % 4,
newRadius = (radius/2) * sin(atan(2/(number -1))),
startAngle = computeAngle(number, newQuadrant),
newx = offsetx + (newRadius * (number -1)),
newy = offsety + newRadius,
endAngle = angle)
[ for (i = [0:pointsPerGeneration]) [ loopArc(newRadius, number,
(generations-1),newQuadrant, pointsPerGeneration,endAngle,-1,newx,newy),
arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newx),
arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newy)]] :
(direction > 0) ? let(newQuadrant = (quadrant + 1) % 4,
startAngle = angle,
newRadius = (radius/2) * sin(atan(2/(number -1))),
newx = offsetx + (newRadius * (number -1)),
newy = offsety + newRadius,
endAngle = computeAngle(number, newQuadrant))
[ for (i = [0:pointsPerGeneration])
[arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newx),
arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newy)]]
: let( newQuadrant = (quadrant + 3) % 4,
newRadius = (radius/2) * sin(atan(2/(number -1))),
startAngle = echoit2("startAngle via computeAngle
",computeAngle(number, newQuadrant)),
newx = echoit2("newx ",offsetx + (newRadius * (number -1))),
newy = echoit2("newy ",offsety + newRadius),
endAngle = echoit2("endAngle ",angle))
[ for (i = [0:pointsPerGeneration]) [
arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newx),
arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,pointsPerGeneration, i, newy)]]
//there is a list of values
//[quadrant - 1] peels off the
//value from the list for returning
function computeAngle(number, quadrant) =
let(baseAngle = atan(2/(number-1)))
180 - baseAngle,
180 + baseAngle,
360 - baseAngle
function nextQuadrant(quadrant) = (quadrant + 1) % 4;
//quadrant is the graph quadrant for the next circle except it is C indexed
so it is 0 - 3 rather than 1 - 4
module bCurve(radius, number, generations, quadrant, pointsPerGeneration) {
numPoints = pointsPerGeneration - 1;
laterQuadrant = nextQuadrant(quadrant);
earlierQuadrant = (quadrant + 3) % 4;
startAngle = computeAngle(number,quadrant);
endAngle = computeAngle(number,laterQuadrant);
echo("start angle ",startAngle," end angle ",endAngle," quadrant
",quadrant," next quadrant ", laterQuadrant," earlier quadrant
newRadius = (radius/2) * sin(atan(2/(number-1)));
points = (generations > 1) ? [ for (i = [0:(numPoints)]) [
loopArc(newRadius, number, (generations-1),earlierQuadrant,
numPoints,endAngle,-1), arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,numPoints, i),
arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,numPoints, i), loopArc(newRadius, number,
(generations-1),laterQuadrant, numPoints,endAngle,1)]] :
[ for (i = [0:(numPoints)]) [
arcx(radius,startAngle,endAngle,numPoints, i),
arcy(radius,startAngle,endAngle,numPoints, i)]]
echo("POINTS ARE: ",points);
//poly = makePointList(points);
//poly = flatten(points);
echo("*****************POLY IS: ",poly);
difference() {
offset(0.01) polygon(poly);
//make the nested lists into one flat list
/* poly = makePointList(points);
difference() {
offset(0.01) polygon(poly);
Post by doug moenPost the code that isn't working, and we will help you to fix it.
Post by Dan ShriverI'm having some issues with datatypes in OpenScad and wondering what the
best approach is.
I am recursively calling functions that return lists (or vectors) of
tuples such as: [[0,1], [5,3]] and trying to concatenate them together.
The problem is that the nesting level increases. What I want is one
list/vector of tuples and no subnesting.
I've tried some approaches to flattening the results but usually it ends
up getting rid of the tuples (which I want) and keeping the arbitrary
nesting above them (which I don't want).
The other thing I tried is to have the function return just the tuples
(not in a list) but that gives an error.
Could I take a string of tuples, concatenate them and do something to
transform it into a list of tuples?
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